Agung Alfiansyah, Ph.D.

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Sekolah STEM > Agung Alfiansyah, Ph.D.

Agung Alfiansyah, Ph.D.

Agung Alfiansyah memperoleh gelar Ph.D di bidang Matematika dan Informatika dari University de la Mediterrane, Marseille, Prancis. Sebelumnya, ia menerima gelar pascasarjana di bidang Modelisasi dan Konsepsi Proses dengan Bantuan Komputer dari universitas yang sama. Penelitiannya terutama difokuskan pada pemrosesan citra medis, yang meliputi operasi dengan bantuan komputer, diagnostik dengan bantuan komputer, dan penerapan PDE pada pemrosesan citra. Ia juga tertarik dengan Computer Graphics, Geometric Modelisation, Scientific Visualization, Data Science/Big Data dan Medical Instrumentation. Sejalan dengan kegiatan penelitian utamanya, ia juga mengerjakan Komputasi Kinerja Tinggi (Pemrosesan Paralel) menggunakan kartu grafis dan Pemodelan Matematika untuk Aplikasi Keuangan. Dia telah mengajar di universitas dan mengawasi proyek siswa dengan topik yang mencakup sistem berbasis mikroprosesor, pemrosesan sinyal digital, dan sistem informasi bergerak.

Intellectual Contributions
Professional Experience
Academic Activity
  • Ph.D. in Mathematics and Informatics (Computer Science), Universite de la Mediterrane, Marseille, France, 2007
  • Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Universite de la Mediterrane, Marseille, France, 2002
    Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia, 1996

Published Writings:

  • A. Alfiansyah, “A Unified Energy Approach for B-Spline Snake in Medical Image Segmentation” Jurnal Telkomnika vol 7, no 3. September 2010, Faculty of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta.
  • A. Alfiansyah, “A Review of Technical framework on Computer Assisted Surgery Development” in Distributed Diagnosis and Home Healthcare vol. 2, American Scientific Publisher.
  • A. Alfiansyah, “Image Segmentation using Deformable Model and Level-Set” Medical Image Processing: Techniques and Applications, Springer Verlag.
  • A. Alfiansyah, ‘MRI Image Denoising from Rician noises via ROF model Total Variation” BME Days, Surabaya, November 2010.
  • A. Alfiansyah, “Unifying Approach of Segmentation and Registration for Ultrasound-Based Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery”, 9th AOCMP and 7th SEAOMP Congress, Chiang Mai, November 2009
  • A. Alfiansyah, K.H. Ng, R. Lamsudin “Bone segmentation based on local structure descriptor driven active contour”, International conference on BioMedical Engineering, Singapore, November 2008.
  • L. Perez, J. Lemaitre, A. Alfiansyah and M. E. Bellemare, “Bone Surface ReconstructionUsing Localized Freehand Ultrasound Imagery” 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference 2008.
  • Head of Department / Lecturer at Surya College of Education (STKIP Surya), Tangerang, Indonesia
  • Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Research Engineer at Praxim-Medivision, Grenoble, France
    Lecturer at Electrical Engineering Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia. Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 2009 – Universiti of Malaya Research Grant (UMRG). “Graphics Hardware Accelerated Medical Image Segmentation based on Local Descriptor Driven Deformable Model”
  • 2002 – Convention CIFRE from L’Association Nationale de la recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) to promote the development of public-private partnerships of industrial and academic research in place of employment conditions
  • 2001 – French Government Scholarship