Alavi Ali, M.A.

Alavi Ali, M.A.

Intellectual Contributions

Master of Arts – MASociology-European Society, Freie Universität Berlin

Bachelor’s degree in Sociology, University of Indonesia 

Published Writings:

  • Social Capital as the Main Pillar of  Tourism Industry in Bali
    Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora (SOSHUM) Volume 10, Number 2, 2020. Author: Made Handijaya Dewantara, other authors: Dewa Gede Sidan Raeskyesa, Alavi Ali, and I Dewa Made Agung Kerta Nugraha

  • Pengaruh Green Perceived Value dan Green Perceived Risk terhadap Green Trust, Green Purchase Intention, dan Green Purchase Behavior pada Produk Green Cosmetics di Indonesia, Studi Kasus: Sensatia Botanicals
    Kajian Branding Indonesia, Vol 1 No 1 (2019). Author: Falaha Rahmatia Az Zahra Rusin, other authors: Kevin Pratama, Eka Ardianto, Alavi Ali
  • Pendekatan Keadilan Integratif dalam Membangun Institusi Publik yang Legitim
    Jurnal Hukum dan Pembangunan, Volume 51, Number 3, 2021. Author: Tri Harnowo, other authors: Alavi Ali