Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Bio-Microbiology Lab

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Bio-Microbiology Lab
Bio-Microbiology Lab

This lab is used to study microbes and their application to food, either to test quality based on the presence of microbial contaminants or to improve quality by microbial fermentation. The laboratory is equipped with Biosafety Level II which is suitable for experiments involving agents with moderate hazard potential for personnel and the environment.


Equipment Usability
  • PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
    RT PCR is used for real-time and end-point thermal cycling using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and high-resolution melting analysis (HMR) for various molecular biology applications.
  • Biosafety Cabinet
    Biosafety Cabinet (BSC) is an instrument used to work aseptically. BSC has an air filter set thus becoming steril and application of UV light a few hours before use. This instrument protects personnel against biohazardous or infectious agents and helps to maintain quality control of the material being worked with as it filters both the inflow and exhaust air.
  • Colony Counter
    Colony counters are used to estimate a liquid culture’s density of microorganisms by counting individual colonies on an agar plate, slide, mini gel, or Petri dish. These instruments accommodate various sizes and formats, including units that can scan plates up to 300 × 300 mm, and are optimized for use with UV illumination, white light, fluorescent, and/or Green Fluorescent Protein colonies. The counting can be accomplished manually, often with touch pressure and a digital counter, or can be semi- or fully automatic. Typical applications include Ames testing, bacterial mutation assays, and E. coli bacterial colonies.
  • Incubator & Shaker
    The incubator shaker is an instrument controlled by temperature combining incubation and shaking functions. This instrument is used for cell culture, fermentation, hybridization, biochemistry and research of enzymes and cell tissues which require a high quality of temperature control and shaking speed. The incubator shaker is able to incorporate oxygen and evenly distribute nutrients throughout the culture media.
  • Analytical Balance
    Analytical balances are precision measuring instruments used in quantitative chemical analysis, to determine the mass of solid objects, liquids, powders and granular substances. Their readability has a range between 0.1mg – 0.01mg. Analytical balances have a draft shield or weighing chamber to prevent very small samples from being affected by air currents.
  • Microscope Binocular
    A binocular microscope is a type of light microscope with two eyepieces to significantly ease viewing and cut down on eye strain and one objective. This instrument is used to magnify a small object or to magnify the fine details of a larger object in order to examine minute specimens that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
  • Microscope Trinocular
    The trinocular microscope is a binocular microscope equipped with a lens for photographic recording during direct visual observation. This microscope allows the user to not only take pictures but also record videos which can be saved for future reference.
  • Micropipette
    Micropipettes are used to accurately and precisely deliver small volumes of liquid. This device measures a much smaller volume, starting at 1 microliter, and is usually extensively used in molecular diagnostics.
  • Autoclave for sterilization
    An autoclave that uses steam under pressure to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi, and spores on items that are placed inside a pressure vessel
  • Autoclave for destruction
    An autoclave is used to sterilize waste and destroy microorganisms. Operating in a similar fashion to a traditional pressure cooker.
  • E-loop
    The electrical sterilization system E-Loop is used for the sterilization of inoculation loops, needles, and instruments. The sterilizing tube, which is made of wear-resistant quartz glass, reaches its optimal temperature of 900°C (1650°F) after only a few minutes. To sterilize the inoculation loop, simply insert it into the quartz tube. After 5-7 seconds, the inoculation loop is sterilized.
Courses Using Lab Materials
  • Final Project
  • Basic Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Food Microbiology