Business Ecosystem and Campus Networking: Starting a Business Professionally

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Tips Membangun Ekosistem Bisnis yang Sehat di lingkungan kampus Prasetiya Mulya

The development of the business sector in Indonesia has grown vigorously in the past few years. For one, digital transformation has started to be fully utilized by all business sectors. And lately the business world is starting to be dominated by young people who start businesses since they are still in college.

The occurance of this business dynamics has inspired a number of Indonesia’s reputable universities to improve themselves. Study programs within the economics and business faculties are constantly being rejuvenated so that besides focusing on theory, they also put great importance on business practice to support the readiness of prospective young entrepreneurs.

As one of the best business universities in Indonesia, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya (Prasmul) consistently prepares qualified business learning programs according to the national and international business climate.

Prasmul does not only facilitate teaching and learning activities by equipping itself with professional and competent faculty members, but it also provides numerous useful activities. Students are also invited to build networking and business ecosystems on campus so they are more ready to develop business professionally in the future.

Why is Networking Crucial in Business?

There is great importance of professional networking in a business. Students can gain the following benefits:

  • Prepare a business social capital because in reality business is something that involves relationships between humans that require mutual trust.
  • Help collecting ideas, getting the most current information, creating bigger business opportunities, and recruiting qualified Human Resources (HR) to support business development. Basically, various business references and insights might be circulated in similar business lines. These references could be important to support the needs of a business. 
  • Boost self-confidence so that students have a solid belief that their business has the potential to flourish in the future.
  • Shape business capabilities in serving customers without the need to spend too much.
  • Create faster business popularity because relatives and friends usually are more willing to try your business product or service creations, who will then introduce them to other people outside the inner circle.
  • Increase collaboration processes to produce business innovations that are interesting and useful for many people.

Tips for Building Networking when Doing Business

It’s never too early to learn how to build a healthy networking. That is why Prasmul’s business and economics study programs also include communication courses to support the students’ ability to form networking since college. Students who want to try building networking when doing business should practice the following tips:

  • Start by building a positive personal branding. According to M. Setiawan Kusmulyono, the Program Manager for S1 Business at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, a positive reputation is a huge business capital that can be offered to potential business customers or partners. An excellent reputation will create an easier process for someone to gain trust when establishing professional relationships. Be friendly, outgoing, and humble without neglecting the interests of others.
  • Be involved in circles that value the same visions and missions. Make friends with those who are currently starting a business.
  • Make time to attend seminars, workshops, training, and other similar programs that open up opportunities to meet many new people from various backgrounds in the business world.
  • Help business partners to your best ability. Any minor help will be considered valuable in a business relationship which later enables you to ask a favor when you are in need.
  • Nowadays, networking doesn’t only mean having to meet face to face. Take advantage of social media platforms to introduce businesses while establishing positive interactions with netizens. Frequently, virtual conversations are the best solution for building qualified business networking.

It’s Time to Build a Healthy Business Ecosystem in the Campus Environment

Positive changes must start from within. Students who have the aspiration to become young successful entrepreneurs must challenge themselves to try to make it happen from now. Start building a healthy business ecosystem on campus. These are the few simple ways of how to:

  • Scrolling through social media feeds is surely entertaining, but do not leave these platforms purely as a source of entertainment. Utilize social media to search for business opportunities. Then, have frequent discussion about business ideas with friends so that they can executed in the nearest future.
  • Establish good relations with all parties on campus; from lecturers, students within or outside the departments and faculties, to vendors around the university perimeter.  These numerous relationships will definitely be directly proportional to business opportunities in the present and the future.
  • Plan various positive activities that are related to business development. For instance, a visit to startups or corporate companies, business simulations, and organize business idea execution competitions.

It is now your turn to prove that young age does not always equal minimum business experience. Let’s learn to build a business ecosystem and professional networking on campus as a preparation for starting a future business..