Benefits of Multidisciplinary Learning for Bright Future Careers

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With the occurrence of the vigorous and rapid changes, globalization era challenges people to be more flexible. With this situation, students are required to learn across disciplines and not be content with the knowledge they receive in their specific majors. There are many strategies that students can do to achieve this purpose. Students can participate or join the many campus programs, communities, and seminars. Studying across discipline will no doubt be very useful for their future careers. Therefore, students need to recognize the importance of cross-knowledge study while still in college. What are they?


The importance of Interdisciplinary Learning in College

  1. Self-competence Increment
    The first reason why cross-disciplinary learning is exceptionally important is because it can improve students’ self-competence. In this digital era, obtaining knowledge from many different sources are just within a click of a button. Therefore, students are encouraged to increase their competence by acquiring knowledge within and outside of their core study programs. A complete skill set to increase students’ competence include knowledge, abilities, and attitude. Therefore, it can be inferred that the more knowledgeable a student is, the more competent he or she will be.
  2. Wider job opportunities
    By equipping themselves with multidisciplinary learning, students will become more competent which results in wider job opportunities. Ideally, every company wants employees who are competent in numerous fields so that they can contribute optimally to the business sustainability. Thus, the more knowledgeable a student is, the more opportunities in getting a brilliant job after graduating from college.
  3. An invaluable capital for starting a business
    After graduation, students are faced with two options; to start a business or to work professionally in a company. When students choose to establish a business, they will be ready because they are already equipped with adequate business knowledge gained during college. However, crossknowledge learning is absolutely going to add more benefits for both career and business building. Every study program at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya offers the same opportunity to students to become successful business players. It comes with no doubt since Prasmul is the best business campus in Indonesia. 

The various reasons mentioned above certainly oblige students to study cross-knowledge outside of their chosen study program as there are many benefits that can be gained during the process. In addition, there are certainly a great number of benefits that students will enjoy when entering the world of work or business. Let us discuss those benefits.

Benefits of Interdisciplinary Learning  in College

  1. Broad horizon
    By exploring various subjects from their chosen or other study programs, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how various fields interrelate and influence each other. This holistic view allows them to solve complex problems in a more creative and critical way, making them a valuable asset for companies who constantly seek for innovative solutions.
  1. Adaptability to ever changing career trends
    Job opportunities in the market are constantly expanding and new career paths are emerging as a result of technological advances and social changes. Students who have learned across disciplines are better equipped to adjust to these changes. They are equipped with diverse skills that can be applied in various industries and give them a competitive advantage in a dynamic job market.
  1. Skills development
    These skills include effective communication, problem solving, collaboration, and adaptability. As students deal with a variety of disciplines, they learn to apply the acquired skills in a variety of contexts. The situation makes them versatile professionals who are capable of thriving in diverse work environments.
  1. Innovation and creativity advancement
    College students who study across disciplines can understand diverse ideas and methodologies which spark creativity and encourage them to think outside conventional boundaries. This interdisciplinary approach can lead to unique product creations and solutions that address the unmet needs in the marketplace. Students can challenge their creativity by participating in competitions that involve cross-knowledge. A student of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya had the audacity to experience this and was able to get 1st place at the Kalbis Investment and Accounting Competition in 2023.
    Prasetiya Mulya owns a program called Community Development (Comdev) which gathers a group of students across majors to present solutions for the advancement of MSMEs in various regions. This program is one of the strategies to increase students’ creativity while studying at Universitas Prasetiya Mulya.
  1. Interpersonal skills improvement
    Students frequently collaborate with their peers from various academic backgrounds. These collaborative experiences enhance their interpersonal skills that enable them to work together effectively, be more empathetic, and be aware of cultural differences. These skills are especially necessary in a global work environment where professionals interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
  1. Ability to face complex challenges
    Many challenges that students often face require multidimensional solutions that involve various disciplines. Climate change, global health, poverty, and technological advances are just a few examples of complex issues that require an interdisciplinary approach. Students who master various fields are able to give a significant contribution in overcoming these challenges with insightful and innovative strategies.
  1. Professional network expansion
    Cross-disciplinary studies allow students to build relationships with individuals from a variety of academic and industrial backgrounds. This broad network may present unique career opportunities and collaborations that might not occur within the confines of a single discipline. Zippia (2023) published a statistical data that states that as many as 85% of jobs are filled through personal as well as professional networks. In addition, 79% of professionals believe that a successful career depends heavily on networking. The data shows that cross-disciplinary learning will broaden the network, making it easier for students to achieve a successful  career.

All benefits mentioned above can only be obtained on campuses that support collaborative study across disciplines. One of the campuses that provides various cross-disciplinary programs for its students is Universitas Prasetiya Mulya. There are many available study programs that prospective students can choose from, including the best management study programs in Indonesia.

With an interdisciplinary program, students majoring in management are able to share knowledge with students from other study programs; and vice versa. Contact Universitas Prasetiya Mulya now and you can find out more about the registration fees for new students. You can also contact us via WA and email that are available on our official website.