Business Model Canvas: Efficient Strategy to Build Your Own Start-Up Business

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya > Uncategorized > Business Model Canvas: Efficient Strategy to Build Your Own Start-Up Business

Start-Up activists are familiar with the stages of designing a business model or Business Model Canvas (BMC). Although it looks simple, it needs a proper validation process to BMC you can implement. Especially while changing market conditions, you need to review BMC, create a pivot strategy, and evaluate the use of technology to maintain an efficient business model.

In this regard, last week (20/05/2021), the Universitas Prasetiya Mulya Inspiring Business Talk with Bandung Digital Valley Startup Class shared experiences and insights related to practical skills around BMC, until effective strategies to build startups from entrepreneurs and academics.

M. Setiawan Kusmulyono or familiarly known as Mas Kelly as the Faculty Member of Entrepreneurship & Business Mentor Universitas Prasetiya Mulya shared interesting insights about another side of BMC. He said that the most important thing from business is behavior. “What will the relationship between business behavior and business models be like? Garuda and Airasia have the same business nature (both airlines) but their business behavior is different. This can be explored, we can find out what business behavior we will apply when there are many business models that are the same as ours,” He said.

Not only business behavior, but Mas Kelly also said how important it is for business people to know the role of business strategy. “Business models drive behavior; behavior drives the need for business strategy. This business strategy is what makes our business last. This business model, behavior and strategy are inseparable. “

In this event, Mas Kelly also presented several significant theories related to BMC that he taught his students, such as the Three Lenses of Innovation and the unique formula to reach the target market.





“Do what everyone else is doing but spend less money or do what other people don’t do.”

M. Setiawan Kusmulyono




The Form of Value Can Be Anything, Not Just Money

In the same session, Dally C. Shaffar as the Co-Founder of BIOPS Agrotekno, shared his experiences from the beginning of building a business together with his colleagues until now. Departing from the problem of limited Human Resources owned by local farmers, Dally and his colleagues decided to build a Start-Up that focuses on developing technology in agriculture to overcome this problem.

Not only that, but Dally also explained about product values that are not only in the form of money. “Then how to make money? Namely through the Transaction Base, Subscription Base, and Advertising Base.” He said.



“Business is all about creating the value, delivering the value, and capturing the value back for us.”

Dally C. Shaffar





This event went on smoothly and got high enthusiasm from the participants. Through this event, hopefully we can give insight and inspire the participants to develop their business.

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