Sumpah Pemuda dan Hari Pahlawan Commemoration 2023: Dedicated Contributions to the Nation

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Universitas Prasetiya Mulya is steadfast in fostering a deep love for the homeland and paying tribute to the heroes who valiantly fought for Indonesia’s independence. This commitment is manifested through the observance of Youth Pledge and Heroes’ Day at various locations on the BSD campus, including the William Soeryadjaya Building, PMBS Plaza, and the Harry-Jusuf Auditorium on Friday, (10/11).

During this event, the Prasetiya Mulya community took pride in showcasing the rich cultural heritage through diverse artistic performances featuring Javanese gamelan, choir renditions, angklung orchestration, and symphony presentations. Furthermore, the inventive spirit of students was highlighted in various competitions such as Prasmul Fashion Week, Cerdas Cermat Ceria, the National Costume Competition, and the creation of short films.

Jusuf Wanandi, S.H., Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Prasetiya Mulya Foundation, delivered a thought-provoking address emphasizing the importance of nationalism. “The Youth Pledge must be perpetually contextualized within our ever-changing landscape. Our homeland faces threats from global warming, impacting the evolutionary biodiversity within. As our nation ascends towards advanced status with diverse opportunities, it concurrently encounters new challenges,” he articulated.

In alignment with Jusuf Wanandi’s sentiments, Prof. Dr. Djisman S. Simandjuntak, the Rector of Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, expressed hope, “I place my trust in Universitas Prasetiya Mulya’s students, spanning all three schools, to emerge as a pool of talents, equipped with clear, creative, and innovative minds that can provide solutions to the fundamental challenges articulated by Mr. Jusuf.”

On that significant day, the youth found inspiration in a talk show featuring Dr. Muhammad Faisal (Youth and Social-Political Psychology Researcher and Author of the book “Generasi Kembali ke Akar”), Arto Biantoro (Local Brand Activist), and Erika Richardo (TikTok Content Creator, Founder of By Painters, Business Undergraduate Student of 2020). The discussions revolved around the embodiment of patriotic attitudes in day-to-day life.

Through this comprehensive series of events, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya anticipates the cultivation of a patriotic spirit within its students, contributing to the creation of a generation deeply committed to the future of Indonesia. The university remains resolute in its dedication to this noble cause.